Saturday, July 12, 2014

Warm Homemade Baklava

For Pastry:
1 pack - Philo Dough
1 Cup - Sweet Cream Butter melted
1 1/2 Cups - Nuts of your choice (Finely Chopped)
1/8 Cup - Sugar
1/8 Tsp - Cloves Powder
1/8 Tsp - Cinnamon Powder

For Syrup:
1 1/2 Cup - Sugar
1 Cup - water
1/2 Cup - Honey
2 Tbsp - Lemon juice
1 Tbsp - Rose Water
ground pistachio to decorate

For Syrup:
1) Add water, sugar, lemon juice, rose water in a pan and boil them to form a syrup.
2) Add the honey mix them well and simmer the stove for 2 minutes.
 (should be of maple syrup consistency)

For Baklava:
1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Bring the philo dough to room temperature. Grease 13x9 inch pan with butter.
2) Mix nuts, cloves, cinnamon and sugar in a bowl.
3) Place one layer of philo dough. Brush them with the melted butter. Add 3 or 4 more layers of philo dough, brushing each layer with the melted butter.
4) Add the nuts mixture and repeat 4 more layers on top as mentioned in step (3). Cut the pastry into any shape, most commonly squares or diamond shape.
5) Place in oven and cook for 30-45 minutes or until golden brown.
6) Drizzle the warm syrup on the pastry (Pastry shouldn't be too hot or cold. It should be warm). Syrup should be just enough to soak the baklava pieces. Cool completely before serving. Top each piece with ground pistachio.

* Any pan can be used. Just make sure you cut or fold the philo dough to the size of the pan you use.
* For making cylindrical shaped baklava, brush two layers of philo dough, add the nut mixture along the length of the sheet and tightly roll them. Cut them into pieces and bake)

1 comment:

  1. All the shapes for baklava you have shared it's amazing and I really like it thank you so much author. I think all these baklava will taste so different. And baklava with pistachio that I like most my wife can make this very perfectly. So, if you want then I can also tell you about my recipe.
