Friday, April 10, 2015


1 1/2 sticks - Unsalted Butter
3/4 cups - All Purpose Flour
4 - Large Eggs
a pinch - Salt
2/3 cups - Sugar
1 Tbsp - Orange Zest
1 tsp - Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp - Baking Powder
1/4 tsp - Baking Soda (Optional)
Non-Stick spray to grease the Madeleine Pan
Powdered sugar for dusting

1) Preheat the oven for 350 degrees.
2) Grease the pan with non-stick spray.
3) Melt the butter to ghee (by heating them in med-low for about 10 mins) and strain it on a paper towel over a mesh strainer. Leave them aside to cool.
4) Whisk the eggs along with the salt on high speed for about 3 mins till it doubles/triples in quantity.
5) Add sugar and whisk continuously in high speed for about 2 mins till the mixture becomes thick.
6) Fold in Orange zest and Vanilla extract with a spatula.
7) Stir in the all purpose flour & baking powder (& baking soda) until they are mixed completely.
8) Spoon the molds 2/3rd full and bake them for about 7 - 10 mins. Edges should be golden brown in color. Poke with a toothpick and be sure it comes out clean.
9) Remove them immediately from the pan and cool them in a rack and dust them with powdered sugar.

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